Monday, August 13, 2012

Monday Made It Linky Party (with freebies!)

Happy Monday to you, friends!! I'm back from my weekend hibernation and ready to be a busy beaver again. I'm looking forward to meeting with my two team members this week and am eager to learn from them.


My favorite part about Mondays is, of course, Tara's Monday Made It Linky Party! Be sure to join in and/or check out all the awesome projects.

I have four projects (with freebies) to share with you:

1. Porter Patriot of the Week

What student doesn't love to be honored with special activities for a week?! I hope that implementing Porter Patriot of the Week (Porter is my school's name and our mascot is the patriot) will create a sense of community as we celebrate each student. The display in the classroom that I created is where the Porter Patriot of the Week will showcase photos of his/herself. I want to implement Beth Newingham's star student activities:

First, she gives the parents a star of the week schedule for the entire year.

On Mondays the student brings in three special items and photos to share with the class.

On Tuesdays the student reads his or her favorite book to the class.

On Wednesdays the parent writes a letter to the class about a special story involving their child.

On Thursdays a special guest (parent, relative, etc.) joins the student for lunch.

On Fridays the student is recognized by their classmates...I want to do something like [this pin] where the students write compliments to the Porter Patriot.

You can download a Star Student of the Week sign for free in my TpT store.

Be sure to check out Beth's class website to read more details about implementing star student of the week. She has other great resources on her class site too.

2. Boggle

Boggle has been everywhere (it seems)! There have been so many different teacher-created boards like [this one] and [this one] and [this one]...I needed one that was small because wall real estate is limited in my classroom so I utilized the side of my filing cabinet. I don't have a picture of how I keep my magnetic letters organized but it's exactly like [this pin].

3. Parent Volunteer Tote

For my parent volunteers that visit the classroom, I want to have materials handy just for them (Thanks for the suggestion, Nikki!). I was given this tote as a gift (Thanks, Hillary!) and it works perfectly for holding school supplies. The blue paper tray it's sitting in will hold any materials, directions, etc. for the parent volunteer. You can download a blank tote tag for free in my TpT store.

4. Book Ring Calendar

I wrote about my calendar last Monday but have since updated its display. I think it looks more cohesive now. You can download my calendar file for free in my TpT store.

I posted about other projects (freebies included) during the weekend too. Click the pictures to learn more. :)

Have an excellent week!! :)


  1. Everything looks beautiful! I like your parent volunteer tote. I hope you get many volunteers! Have a great week!

  2. I like how you made your own interactive calandar. The parent tote is a great idea!

  3. The parent tote is a fabulous idea!
    - Michele
    Multiage Moments

  4. I love your parent volunteer tote! As a parent volunteer, I would have appreciated a tote! I am hosting a giveaway--a laminator--I would love to have you come by and visit!

  5. I LOVE the tote! I know it will really come in handy as you are putting parents to work! They will never have to interupt you or ask you where to find something they may need. It was one of my *best* ideas to date! Yours looks awesome, I love your twist on it!

  6. Wall space is at a premium in my room too. I'm always on the lookout to find other ways to display things. Thanks:)

  7. Cute classroom! I love the book ring calendar and the ketchup cards.... great idea! I've been seeing the Boggle game everywhere, and I'm thinking that it must be fabulous but I have to admit: I have never played Boggle, and I still do not know how to play. I guess I am going to have to do some Googling (that can be a verb, right?) so I can jump on this Boggle train! :)
    ~Mrs. K. from The Teacher Garden Blog

  8. Love the parent volunteer tote - what an awesome idea, and I am sure they appreciate it too! So organized!!

  9. Hi there,
    I just found you...can your blog name be any cuter? I am your newest follower. Congrats on your newish blog. Have fun with it.
    ** I feel so honored I think I'm your 100th follower - giveaway soon? ** :o)
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After

  10. You have disappeared from the blogging world! Come back!!!

  11. I LOVE your parent volunteer tote idea. May have to make up something like that for my room!

    1. Thanks, Monica! Glad you like it! The tote worked out perfectly this past year.


Thanks so much! Have a Happy Day! :)