Thursday, July 26, 2012

Brain Breaks: Recessitate

Hello, friends! Hope you're enjoying this lovely July day! 

I love receiving mail, don't you? Even if it's something I've ordered and am expecting, seeing the package on the front step is like seeing presents under the tree on Christmas morning. I normally have forgotten what I've ordered when it arrives so there is a slight element of surprise too!

I recently invested in an Amazon Prime account so my mail ordering has gotten a little out of hand. Amazon Prime is so great though because you receive packages in one to two days and shipping is free. What I especially like about it is that it will be efficient during the school year...with having to commute to school and having a busy teacher schedule as we all do, I can just order a book or resource with the click of a button and it will arrive in one to two days. No more driving all around town (which saves you gas too)! So are you convinced to invest in an Amazon Prime account yet? :)

Anyway, the purpose of this post was not to reel you in to my Amazon addiction (even though I did include a link in the above paragraph) but to share with you something I received in the mail today. Are you interested in using brain breaks to energize and refocus your students so they are ready to learn?! Then take a look at the brief video below where I share about Recessitate!

I am not affiliated with the company that I purchased this from, I just wanted to share a cool resource. You could also create your own brain break cards or purchase them from TeachersPayTeachers but (as much as I love supporting other teachers) I decided to purchase Recessitate to save time in the gluing, cutting, and laminating department (since I already have a lot of that to do!).

Enjoy the rest of the day!! :)

Stay tuned! I'll be back this weekend with a post on Guided Reading and Writers' Workshop and a post on my iPad case (that's supposed to come in the mail tomorrow!!).


  1. Hi Alex:) I really enjoyed hoppin' around your blog. I just nominated you for the "One Lovely Blog" award so come on by to pick it up. I am trying to become one of your newest followers but Google is doing something weird tonight, it won't let me join anyone's blog! I promise I will come back by and join up with you. I look forward to following you!

    Teaching with Z

  2. Thanks so much for your thoughtful comment and for the award, Rachel! :)

  3. I love brain breaks, and so did my kids when I was student teaching! It was like a reward, kids would shape up just so they could do 15 push ups or play air guitar. :)

    I have also nominated your blog for the award! Stop by my blog to pick it up! :D

    4th Grade Haps and Hacks

  4. I really appreciate this post. I have been looking all over for this! Thank goodness I found it on Bing. You’ve made my day! Thx again


Thanks so much! Have a Happy Day! :)