Monday, May 21, 2012

Great News

Hello, Friends!!
I've been MIA but for good reasons. I graduated with my master's degree last week! In the meantime, I'd been in the whole job search process and was recently offered a second grade teaching position!! I can now say I am a second grade teacher!!!!!!! I am SO excited.

I don't have much else to share except I have been reading two books:

The Well-Managed Classroom from the Boys Town Educational Model

 The First Days of School by Harry and Rosemary Wong

 Definitely recommend both, especially for new teachers.

As I plan and create things throughout the summer, I'll be sure to post.

I'd love to hear any advice from veteran teachers as to how to start the school year off!

Take care!


  1. First off, congrats on your job! Second grade is just a blast isn't it? That's what I have been doing. This will be my second year in second. I have been doing Daily 5 for over 2 years now, and am looking at how to implement Word Work back into it. I noticed you do word sorts, and was just curious what your take on word work was. I'm also planning to do a poem of the week, and noticed you did something with poems but more of a phonics emphasis. I was just hoping to hear a little bit more about what you did! :) I'd love to hear from you (I couldn't find your email on here) :) Thanks!


    Ms. Wilkie's Second Grade Class

  2. Thanks, Amanda! I sent you an email about a week ago...hope you got it!


Thanks so much! Have a Happy Day! :)