Sunday, January 15, 2012

Morning Work

Greetings, Friends!
Hope you're enjoying the three-day weekend! I've been in my PJs aaaaalllllll day with Friends on in the background while I prepare school stuff. I am teaching my first unit this coming week on shapes. I'll be sure to post about it next weekend.

The last two weeks my Cooperating Teacher has given me responsibility for morning work. I noticed right away the students were struggling with writing so I have been giving them fun prompts to practice and improve upon their writing skills. I'd like to share some of their writing with you (they are so cute and funny!):

These rules crack me up!
Writing Prompt: If you were president, what are five rules you would make?
Love #5. :)

Writing Prompt: If you could spend one day with a famous person, who would it be and what would you do?

Some mornings I have given them math related assignments instead of writing. For example, they had to estimate how many bears were in a jar. The wrote their estimate on the board. They LOVE writing on the board!

Another day,  we voted for our favorite color and then I used the data to create a graph that they answered questions about. They were really funny about voting...they wanted to include their parents and siblings' favorite color too!

What do you do for morning work?!

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Thanks so much! Have a Happy Day! :)